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Author: Squidgeneer

Hey there!

Thank-you all for coming on out, reaper jump scared me good this Saturday in Subnautica. It was very good to see new and old faces as we shifted our schedule to include an earlier time on Twitch, things are still somewhat up in the air in regards to various IRL things in relation to my […]

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500 Follower milestone hit and Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to personally say thank-you, to all 500+ of you CoolFish as we hit our 500 follower milestone on Twitch. It’s been a crazy year and I am anxious to see where it ends up! Y’all stay amazing and Keep it real, Keep it classy Coolfish!

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Hey there CoolFish!

New updated site design, added functionality, more to come… also will be blogging here more, cya CoolFish!

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