Thought of the day When dealing with chronic pain I’ve had to choose Build your life around it Or Live your life through it
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Author: Squidgeneer
Disabilities Suck.
Trying to keep up with my daily promise, of course the next day is a full blow flare up of my disabilities. It’s 10:30 PM and I can finally think straight for the first time today, yay. I hope you all are doing well, the only real take away I have from this is never […]
As of today, actually going to be a Daily Blog.
I will be focusing on various topics throughout the blog, Parenting, Streaming, Disabilities (mine) and various specific experiences, all will be tagged for your reading pleasure both “Daily Blog” and the subtopic. I chose not to put this behind a paywall at all as I wish to share my experiences freely with the world, if […]