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November’s Recap

Welcome to November’s Recap


Humming along, no changes but looking to improve interaction and usefulness.


Verified congestion of ISP is preventing decent upload speeds: on Hiatus until ISP is resolved.


All VODS of story games now on YouTube.


As a reminder, we added 4 new instances of servers last week, in detail we now have; Minecraft Whitelist Legacy, Minecraft Whitelist Latest, Minecraft PUBLIC latest, 7d2d stream server, 7d2d whitelist vanilla, 7d2d PUBLIC vanilla and Conan exiles (Original Map), public servers are fully open.

The dedicated server is up and running smooth, current games are;
Conan Exiles, 7 Days to Die (3 instances), and Minecraft (3 instanced) with more to come. Join us through Discord and check out the section for the community servers as a result you may find the pinned messages you need!

In conclusion…

Talk to you soon and Don’t Break You because that would be a damn shame. There is only one! Take those breaks, do something good for yourself, enjoy the little things.

Have a fantastic Holiday season and I’ll see you on the Discord!

See you on the flip side!
