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Author: Squidgeneer

Weekly Blog [110820]

Welcome to the… Weekly Recap Website: Humming along, no changes this week! Stream: Thursday: We fired up Graveyard Keeper with the new Game of Crones DLC, had a blast, and looking forward in continuing it next week! Friday: Darkest Dungeon continues to punish with it’s RNG and make us love every minute of it, until […]

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Weekly Blog [110220]

Welcome to the… Weekly Recap Cancelations: All live streams were canceled last week because of a ton of doctor appointments, back to schedule now! I hope you had a fantastic Halloween and stayed safe, look forward to getting back to the regular schedule, missed you all a ton! Website: Humming along, no changes this week! […]

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Weekly Blog [102720]

Welcome to the… Weekly Recap Cancelations: All live streams are canceled this week because of a ton of doctor appointments. Website: Humming along, no changes this week! Stream: Cities Skylines:  City is pushing 100k! As designated by the community the “Hell Noodles” develop as we currently have traffic above 80% with no roundabouts. All 4 […]

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