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And we’re back

Hey there! Post move, settling in, back on schedule.

So luckily it seems the utilities have been holding up, IE the internet so streams are definitely a go, so far the body also has been holding up to the new schedule, which if you haven’t been keeping up on Discord/streams is

Monday – Friday 5PM PST
Mon, Wed, Fri: Star Citizen
Tues, Thurs: Variety

Looking forward to what 2020 will bring, tons of things have shaken up in the previous year and I am excited to see where this community will go.

on top of the gaming streams I have also been hooking up my old gear and trying to get it to sound correct (Guitars, etc) to continue to pursue the musical aspect, so far the story writing has been put on hold but that as well, might change soon.

Hope your days going well, happy hump day, talk to you soon!

